Which one is known as barytes?
Which of the following is the component of most of the kidney stones?
Of the metals Be, Mg, Ca and Sr of group II A. In the periodic table the least ionic chloride would be formed by
Because of small atomic size and high I.E. Be forms covalent chloride.
The value of x is maximum for
Because of smaller size, Mg2+ ions are extensively hydrated.
Which of the following has maximum ionization energy
Epsom salt is
Which of the following relations is correct with respect to first (I) and second (II) ionization potentials of sodium and magnesium?
The solubilities of carbonates decrease down the magnesium group due to a decrease in
As we move down the group, the lattice energies of carbonates remain approximately the same. However the hydration energies of the metal cation decreases from Be++ to Ba++, hence the solubilities of carbonates of the alkaline earth metal decrease down the group mainly due to decreasing hydration energies of the cations from Be++ to Ba++.
Which of the following atoms will have the smallest size ?
Within a period, the size decreases from left to right, i.e.,Na > Mg > Li > Be. Atomic size increases down the group.
Potassium is kept in:
Potassium is kept in kerosene as it is highly reactive and reacts with all other options given above namely alcohol forming alkoxide, water forming hydroxide and ammonia forming a complex but does not react with kerosene.