The violent reaction between sodium and water is an example of :
In reaction of KMnO4 and Mohr’s salt, FeSO4 is oxidised to
Which of the following statements are correct concerning redox properties?
(i)Ametal M for which E° for the half life reaction Mn+ + ne– ⟶ M is very negative will be a good reducing agent.
(ii)The oxidizing power of the halogens decreases from chlorine to iodine.
(iii)The reducing power of hydrogen halides increases from hydrogen chloride to hydrogen iodide
Stronger is oxidising agent, more is :
More is ERP°, more is the tendency to get itself reduced or more is oxidising power.
A compound contains atoms X,Y,Z; the oxidation number of X is +2, Y is +5 and Z is –2, therefore a possible formula of the compound is :
On substituting the oxidation numbers of X, Y and Z in the formula,the sum is zero.(a) (+ 2 × 3) + (+5 × 2) + (– 2 × 8)= 6 + 10 –16 = 0, Hence,X3(YZ4)2 is the correct formula of the compound.
In the reaction HAsO2 + Sn2+ ⟶ As + Sn4+ + H2 oxidising agent is
When NaCl is dissolved in water the sodium ion becomes
NaCl + H2O ⟶ NaOH + HCl
Sodium ion hydrated in water.
Which of the following reactions depict the oxidising behaviour of H2SO4 :
Which of the following substances acts as an oxidising as well as a reducing agent?
In Na2O, SnCl2 and Na2O2 central atom is either in lowest or highest oxidation state, so it can function either as an oxidising or a reducing agent but not both.However, the oxidation state of N in NaNO2 is +3 which lies between its highest(+5) and lowest (–3) values.
Which of the following behaves as both oxidising and reducing agents ?
In SO2 the O.N. of S can increase and decrease. Hence can behave as reducing and oxidising agent. Oxidation state of S varies from –2 to 6.