Which of the following compounds does not follow Markownikoff’s law ?
As per Markovnikoff’s law, the positive part (e.g. H of HX) or the less negative part of the reagent adds to that carbon atom of alkene which has more number of hydrogen atoms (the rich gets richer). So(c) is the correct optionas the two carbons containing the double bond have one H atom each i.e. symmetric.
Nitration of toluene using fuming sulphuric and nitric acid gives :
Using anhydrous AlCl3 as catalyst, which one of the following reactions produces ethyl benzene (PhEt)?
Which of the following organic compound will give a mixture of 1-chlorobutane and 2-chlorobutane on chlorination?
Triple bond of ethyne is made of or Cylindrical shape of analkyne is due to
In CH = CH triple bond consists of one ? and two ? bonds
Propyne on polymerisation gives
The ring structure of benzene was proposed by
The product(s)obtained via oxymercuration (HgSO4 + H2SO4) of 1-butyne would be