Multiply 107.88 by 0.610 and express the result with correct number of significant figures.
Number of significant figures in multiplication is three,corresponding to the minimum number 107.88 × 0.610 = 65.8068 = 65.8
Subtract 0.2J from 7.26 J and express the result with correct number of significant figures.
Subtraction is correct upto one place of decimal,corresponding to the least number of decimal places.7.26 – 0.2 = 7.06 = 7.1 J.
Error in the measurement of radius of a sphere is 1%. Then error in the measurement of volume is
\(\frac{\Delta V}{V}\times 100=3\left ( \frac{\Delta r}{r} \right )\times 100\)=3×1%=3%
The dimensions of Hubble’s constant are
Hubble’s constant,H=\(\frac{velocity}{distance}=\frac{[LT^{-1}]}{[L]}\)
=[T-1]=70×10-3N / m.
The velocity v of a particle at time t is given by v=at+\(at+\frac{b}{t+c}\) The dimensions of a, b c are respectively
As c is added to t, ∴c = [T]
a =\(\frac{v}{t}=\frac{LT^{-1}}{T}=[LT^{-2}]\),
The velocity of a body which falls under gravity varies as ga hb, where g is acc. due to gravity and h is the height. The values of a and b are
v=gahb; [M0LT-1]=(LT-2)aLb=La+bT-ab
∴ a + b = 1 ; -2a =-1 a = 1/2
∴ b= 1/2
The deBroglie wavelength associated with a particle of massm and energy E is h/\(\sqrt{2mE}\). The dimensional formula of Planck’s constant h is
h=\(\lambda \sqrt{2mE}=L\sqrt{M(ML^{2})}=[ML^{2}T^{-1}]\)
Distance travelled by a particle at any instant ‘t’ can be represented as S = A (t + B) + Ct2. The dimensions of B are
In S = A (t + B) + Ct2; B is added to time t. Therefore,dimensions of B are those of time.
The potential energy of a particle varies with distance x from a fixed origin as V=\(\frac{A\sqrt{X}}{X+B}\) where A and B are constants.The dimensions of AB are
B = x = [L]; A=\(\sqrt{x}\)=Vx; A=V\(\sqrt{x}\)
= ML2T-2L1/2=ML5/2T-2
AB=(ML5/2T-2) (L)=[M1L7/2T-2]
The time of oscillation T of asmall drop of liquid depends on radius r, density ρ and surface tension S. The relation between them is given by
\(\sqrt{\frac{\rho r^{3}}{S}}=\sqrt{\frac{ML^{-3}L^{3}}{MT^{-2}}}=T\)