Which is the most important but generally not used criteria for the identification of the species ?
The living organisms can be unexceptionally distinguished from the non-living things on the basis of their ability for
There are several factors and processes which differentiate living beings with non-living beings like reproduction,respiration, growth, etc. But among them reproduction is the only difference which differentiate without any exception living beings with non-living things.
Biological organisation starts with
Biological organisms starts with sub-microscopic moleculer level like viruses, bacteria etc. These organisms are unable to be seen by naked eyes without the help of microscope or even electron microscope.
The growth and reproduction are mutually exclusive events in
The sum total of chemical reactions occurring in our body is called
Mark the correct statement
Which of the following biological processes do not operate within the life span of a given organism ?
Growth development and functioning of living body is due to-
Which type of organisation is found in only living beings?
Organisation levels in living beings are –