Other function performed by kidney apart from excretion is
Besides removing the metabolic wastes and impurities from the blood the kidney also perform the important function of osmoregulation (regulation of osmolality) by regulating the amount of water in body fluids.
Find the incorrect statement regarding mechanism of urine formation in man
Liquid part of the blood having undergone ultra filtration from the glomerulus and reaching Bowman’s capsule normally would not contain
A person who is on a long hunger strike and is surviving only on water, will have –
Which regulates reabsorption of salts from glomerular filtrate ?
Mineralo corticoids regulates reabsorption of salts from glomerular filtrate.
Urine contains how much of water –
Which of the following is directly responsible for increasing glomerular blood pressure and hence GFR?
Duct of Bellini is concerned with –
Glomerular filtration rate would be decreased by –
Vasa rectae are peritubublar capillaries around –