Elastic stockings are applied to the resident’s legs to help reduce venous stasis. Which of the following is a critical step to remember with the application and monitoring?
B. The stocking needs to be wrinkle free to prevent discomfort and the possibility of pressure ulcers from the wrinkles. Pulling the stocking up smoothly over the legs (A), supporting the resident’s foot at the heel (C), and slipping the stockings over the toes before the heel (D) are all correct actions but are not critical steps.
Which of the following is a sign that a resident is being physically or verbally abused?
B. Withholding medication as a form of punishment is considered abuse. A daughter discussing changes in care with her mother (A) or a son who does not return his father for several hours whenever they go out to lunch (C) are not signs of physical or verbal abuse. Giving the wrong medication to a resident (D) is an example of malpractice if the resident is harmed by the error.
A nursing assistant is overheard telling a resident that the nurse caring for her is not a good nurse. The nursing assistant could be charged with which of the following?
A. Slander is making a false accusation of someone that injures his or her character or reputation. Malpractice (B) is the break in a standard of care or standard of practice by a member of a profession. Negligence (C) is the failing of someone to act or acting in a way that injures someone. Assault (D) is threatening to harm someone or leading someone to believe you will harm them.
The cashier at the grocery store knows you work at the long-term care facility and inquires about a resident. Which of the following is your best response?
D. The best response is to remind inquiring persons about the resident’s right to confidentiality. The responses, “She is doing great; you should come by and visit her.” (A) and “I know her daughter shops here; you should ask her how her mom is doing.” (B) are a violation of the resident’s right to confidentiality. The response, “The facility has a policy that we are not allowed to talk about the residents.” (C) places the facility at blame when it is truly the rights of the resident.
If a resident’s family becomes angry at the nursing assistant, what action should the nursing assistant take?
D. Stay calm and report the behavior to the nurse caring for the resident. Any other action could escalate the anger or you might respond in an unprofessional manner. The scene might also upset the resident.
Which of the following is not a healthy way for a nursing assistant to reduce stress in his or her life?
C. Alcohol is not a stress reducer. Overindulging in food or alcohol might seem to reduce stress at the time but in the long run it adds to it. Getting plenty of rest and eating a balanced diet (A), getting involved in a new hobby (B), and exercising several times a week (D) are recommended to reduce stress.
A nursing assistant is assigned to give a shower to a resident and he refuses. Which is the best action of the nursing assistant?
C. A resident has a right to refuse care. The nursing assistant should respect that right and also let the nurse know the resident refused. Insisting (A), issuing mandates (B), or shaming the resident (D) does not respect the resident’s wishes.
Which of the following best defines what an ombudsman is?
A. An ombudsman is the person who represents a resident and investigates complaints. A nurse representative who assures quality care (B) is the quality care manager. A person appointed by the court to handle an estate (C) is a guardian. A union representative (D) helps the employees not the residents.
A resident whose spouse has recently died cries frequently. What should the nursing assistant do?
C. Sitting and listening to the resident conveys caring and empathy. Changing the subject (A), introducing him or her to the other available residents on the unit (B), and telling him or her things will get better over time (D) do not respect the resident’s feelings and will close off effective communication with the resident.
A resident is receiving oxygen therapy through a nasal cannula. When should the nasal cannula be removed?
D. Oxygen is not to be removed except for a few seconds to cleanse the nares and the cannula. Removing oxygen every hour (A), every 2 hours (B), or every 8 hours (C) interrupt oxygen delivery and might jeopardize recovery for the resident.