A resident who has discovered he or she is dying is crying a lot. What should the nursing assistant do?
C. Quietly sitting with the resident as much as possible provides support and if he or she wants to talk about fears, someone is present to listen. Ignoring the resident as much as possible (A) is unacceptable because the resident’s feelings might be hurt worse if his or her feelings are not acknowledged. Telling the resident to begin to live each day to the fullest (B) and explaining to the resident that he or she might not die for awhile yet (D) can be misinterpreted as insensitive by the resident.
A resident is exhibiting signs of depression. Which of the following is not a sign of depression?
C. When a resident is depressed, he or she exhibits decreased interest in activities including caring for self and eating. Loss of appetite (A), increased sleeping (B), and crying (D) are all signs of depression.
Which of the following actions is a violation of the resident’s right to privacy and security?
A. Anything belonging to a resident is not to be removed without his or her permission. Removing any items might be considered a violation of the resident’s rights. Asking the resident permission to give the resident a bath (B), gently waking the resident for breakfast (C), and offering the resident to wash his or her face and brush his or her teeth before serving breakfast (D) shows respect for the resident and his or her rights.
A resident you are assigned has an ostomy drainage bag that is scheduled to be changed. What is your first action?
B. The first step is to empty the bag and then remove it. Emptying the collection bag (C) is followed by applying skin protector around the stoma (A), and last would be reattaching the clean bag to the apparatus around the stoma (D). Gently cleanse the stoma and surrounding area. Apply a protective coating to protect the skin from being harmed by the bodily fluids.
The nursing assistant is walking down the hall with an armful of supplies and notices a spill on the floor. Which of the following is the correct action of the nursing assistant?
D. Spills are to be cleaned up quickly before someone is injured. Ignoring the spill (A) or attempting to delegate the spill cleanup to someone else (B and C) prolong the time the spill remains unattended.
Which of the following health-care team members is responsible for carrying out the medical plan under the supervision of the Registered Nurse?
C. The licensed practical nurse carries out the medical plan under the supervision of the registered nurse. The physician prescribes the medical plan (A). The nursing assistant’s role is to assist in the delivery of care (B). The physical therapist carries out orders written by the physician (D).
Why is an indwelling catheter taped or secured to the resident’s leg?
B. Securing the catheter decreases the chance of trauma to the resident if the catheter is accidently pulled. The catheter is secured in the bladder with a balloon and is not easily dislodged, so answer A is not valid. Taping the catheter does not allow the resident to use the bathroom, so answer C is invalid. Securing the catheter does not actually prevent leaking, so answer D is invalid
Which of the following should the nursing assistant report immediately after the resident has received an enema?
A. Severe cramping is not a usual response of an enema. Mild cramping might sometimes occur but not severe cramping. Expelled brown liquid (B), increased amount of flatus (C), and large amounts of formed feces (D) are expected responses.
Which of the following would the nursing assistant not chart as input?
C. Documentation of intravenous fluids is the role of the nurse. Ice cream (A), soup (B), and Jell-O (D) are fluids that should be recorded on the resident flow sheet
Which of the following substances should be used to cleanse the drain on the urinary drainage bag after emptying it?
A. Use alcohol to remove soil from the tip of the urinary drainage bag before replacing it. Soap and water (B), air drying (C), and peroxide (D) do not adequately cleanse the tip or might not be readily available (in the case of peroxide).