How often should the nursing assistant turn a resident who is unable to move himself or herself?
B. Every 2 hours is the maximum time before tissue damage begins. Three hours (A) is too long and increases chances of a decubitus ulcer forming. After four hours (C), the tissue begins to break down. If the resident is left in the same position for an entire shift (D), the tissue damage would be extensive.
What is the medical term for low blood pressure?
D. Hypotension is the term for low blood pressure. Tachycardia is the term for increased heart rate (A). Hypertension is the term for high blood pressure (B). Bradypnea is the term for decreased respirations
How frequently should the nursing assistant record the totaled intake and output in the resident’s chart?
C. The intake and output should be documented each shift by the nursing assistant in the chart. After each episode, it is recorded on a flow sheet that is then documented in the chart. Recording the intake/output after each meal (A), every six hours (B), or every four hours (D) is incorrect because the information placed in the chart is the calculation of each shift’s totals and not each occurrence of intake.
When a resident requests to pray before a procedure, what is the optimum response of the nursing assistant?
A. The resident has a right to religious freedom and that includes praying when he or she feels it is necessary and in private. Asking the resident to pray silently while you perform the procedure (B), to wait until the procedure has been completed (C), or telling the resident you prayed for him or her earlier (D) does not allow the resident freedom and privacy.
Which of the following is the recommended position to obtain a resident’s blood pressure?
B. The most accurate position to obtain a blood pressure is in a sitting position. The blood pressure can change lying (A and D) or standing (C).
One of the residents you care for is a member of your church. When someone from the church inquires about the resident’s medical condition, your best response should be which of the following?
A. Only persons who are directly caring for residents have a right to information regarding the resident. Telling the person that the resident’s condition is unchanged and that he or she should visit the resident soon (B) gives information about the resident’s condition and is a break in confidentiality. Ignoring the request for the information and discussing upcoming church activities (C) and telling the person to ask the resident’s nurse if they need any information (D) are incorrect responses.
Which of the following best defines quadriplegia?
B. Quadriplegia is the result of all four limbs being paralyzed. Flaccid lower extremities (A) refers to only both lower extremities being paralyzed. Inability to move the left side (C) refers to someone who is hemiplegic. The loss of feeling in both feet (D) is numbness and not paralysis.
Which of the following is not included in the resident’s right to information?
D. Unfortunately, the resident has a right to appropriate and timely care but not necessarily to have care at a reduced cost. A resident in a long-term facility has the rights to access the latest inspection results (A), notification in advance to change of room or roommate (B), and the right to file a complaint with the state survey agency (C).
Which of the following is the correct method for counting respirations?
A. The procedure calls for the nursing assistant to look at her watch and count respirations in a 30-second to 1-minute interval. The choices in answers B, C, and D lead to inaccurate data.
Which of the following is true regarding the use of a gait belt?
A. A rocking and pulling motion on the belt is used to lift the resident from the chair to a standing position. Transferring to the resident’s strong side (B) is the wrong choice because the nursing assistant needs to stand on the resident’s weak side. The need for more than one caregiver (C) is not required in the use of the gait belt, which is used to provide additional support for the resident and the nursing assistant. Proper body mechanics should be used at all times to prevent injury, so answer D is incorrect.